25th November, 2010

According to the details given on UNDP official website: UNDP Pakistan has successfully supported numerous reconstruction projects including street pavements, drainage systems and culverts in flood hit areas while many others are in progress. These projects also constitute UNDP’s Cash for Work programme, wherein community members are provided supplies and paid employment to work on reconstruction of infrastructure in their communities and localities.

UNDP’s Cash for Work project has been providing employment opportunities and livelihoods to over 2900 beneficiaries from communities here. A total of 19 streets have been paved, 46 culverts rebuilt and 5 drainage ways constructed in these villages.
The National Goodwill Ambassador and Country Director also attended community meetings in the localities and reaffirmed their pledge for continued support. These meetings of both males and females are held regularly to enable communities to identify and prioritize their needs especially those related to the restoration of community infrastructure.
While speaking at a community meeting, Hadiqa said, “People should not forget their brothers and sisters who are shelter-less in the coming winters. Our responsibility towards them extends beyond initial humanitarian support. The upcoming phase of reconstruction of houses and lives is critically important and we all should contribute financially and materially”.

Tufail, a local resident said “the Cash for Work project has been the only means of gainful employment as all farming was disrupted after the floods. I am thankful to the UNDP for helping us rebuild our village and bring semblance of order following the disruption of lives here”.

The communities also thanked UNDP and high appreciated the Refugee Affected and Hosting Areas (RAHA) programme which has been providing support to internally displaced persons following evacuation of localities after floods.